
Look up! Keep going... keep going... little more... oh shit! The Alps!

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(Listen, and imagine taking a train through the sunny spring alps)

I wonder if travel insurance covers strain due to constantly craning your neck to see the Alps...

I last left you in Zurich, where I was preparing to travel towards the rising sun. Since then, I've spent a couple of days gawking at the natural wonder known as springtime in the Alps. From Zurich, I hopped on a train directly to Innsbruck, Austria. Innsbruck styles itselfs as the "Capital of the Alps," but unfortunately for them I think the Alps accept no master. Indeed, the Alps totally dominated the city. Like, Big Game '10 dominated. Humiliating.

The "Capitol" building. Being Dominated.

I can't remember being at any time in the city, even in the fairly narrow alleys, where I couldn't look in one direction and see the Alps over the buildings. The mountains towered in all four directions.

The Alps from Innsbruck (the bridge... which is in the town...)

Besides the mountains, Innsbruck is filled with the typical beautiful architecture, monuments, and museums befitting a centuries old european city.

Oh, look. Another monument.

I can tell already I'm going to quickly get sick of seeking out statues in the towns I visit, but for the first couple cities I figured it was a requirement. After doing the circuit of monuments, I decided to relax a little. Actually, my favorite part of the day was getting some rays on a park right on the river.

After dinner and an early night's sleep (Innsbruck isn't exactly known for it's nightlife), I got on an early train headed for Slovenia. Unfortunately for me, what should have been a 5 hour trip turned into a 9 hour trip when I missed a transfer in Villach, Austria. Hey, trains are super complicated, okay? Back off. Actually, the train rides in themselves are an adventure. Going through the mountains, and valleys, past lake after lake... unreal.

Anyways, I just got into Ljubljana (Loob-lan-ah) Slovenia, where I'll be staying and staging my Slovenian adventures. Staytuned for more, amigos.



  1. In that first sentence, I read "stain" instead of "strain" and I wondered for too long how you would stain something by craning your neck...

    Love the blog (and you duh), keep it up!

  2. Great pictures Clay! I'd love to see pictures of any interesting or even commonplace food you eat. I've always wondered what people around the world eat for their 3 (if lucky enough) meals a day.

  3. Two things... (1) Remember when we were on a train in Germany and I woke up to people getting off so I made us get off the train (what turned out to be mid-way on our trip). And then we had to have them call and leave our passports in (I think) Munich, where we were supposed to be headed. And we got the worst looks from the train employees like we were the worst tourists ever. Oh, and when we were trying to eat in Munich and they gave us the German menu and we were dangerously close to eating calf head but then the waitress asked us if we wanted a menu in English and we both gave her two little deer in the head light looks, like, yes, please English. And then she imitated us and she also thought we were terrible tourists. Ahhh good times. (2) If you will get as sick of monuments as I was of paintings of Jesus, stop searching them out. Love you brother.
